2025 Incidents |
JAN | 109 | | |
FEB | 82 | | |
MAR | | | |
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MAY | | | |
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Total | 191 | | |
Past Incidents |
2024 | 1435 |
2023 | 1482 |
2022 | 1462 |
2021 | 1356 |
2020 | 1167 |
2019 | 1250 |
2018 | 1290 |
2017 | 1256 |
2016 | 1287 |
2015 | 1274 |
2014 | 1161 |
2013 | 1127 |
2012 | 1059 |
2011 | 1091 |
2010 | 1095 |
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Website Visitors Since April 21, 2009
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Mar 16, 2025
Ladders  6-2-6 1999 Spartan / LTI Tower A 102' Tower Ladder in Riverhead? The tallest building is only six stories high, why so big? The answer: Most of the ladder is used for reach, not height. 6-2-5 1997 Seagrave Quint An engine and a ladder truck in one, this "quint" has a 1500gpm pump and a 75' reach with its mounted aerial ladder. A good supply of forcible entry tools are on-board and this truck is designated as our RIT/FAST truck for mutual-aid responses.